At least some people read Part 1 of my random list of travel anecdotes, so, as punishment, here is part 2… Weirdest place you slept The arrivals room after immigration at Aktau port. Having docked at the port at 1am they let us kip there till day light. Made slightly more weird by the fact that before […]
Continue Reading... 3 Comments.I decided to ask myself some of the questions people seem to like to ask me about my trip, plus a few random ones of my own. Any you think I missed? Well they might be in Part 2, but ask them in the comments anyway! What was your favourite country to visit? This is […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.I’ve not written one of these for a while, but having been back now for 3 entire months and finding myself somewhat tired of seemingly spending all my time writing out numerous different versions of my CV, I thought it might be rather healthy to try to write something else, something I actually enjoy writing […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.Ok its been almost 6 months since I actually visited there, but one of the destinations I am asked most about whilst I was travelling, and am still asked about now I’ve got back is about tips for visiting Burma/Myanmar. Whilst I have resisted the slightly pointless urge to try to come up with a […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on My all-in-one guide to travel in Burma/MyanmarOk it’s not actually an ode as in a song… Having spent the equivalent of a week living on Amtrak trains over the last two months, and having really rather enjoyed most of that week, I felt I should put a quick post together highlighting the best bits about travelling America by train and some […]
Continue Reading... 3 Comments.Ok, I feel the need finish writing about Germany and to get onto the Balkans given I’m now sat in a hostel in Zagreb in Croatia having just done 4 days in Slovenia. As a result, here is my final post on Germany, which is more of a summary of quick travel tips than anything else. I […]
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