So I’ve been back 6 months and now I’m stuck in the normal 9-5 of a office job. Guess chances for adventure are clearly over… Or maybe not… Link to this post!
Continue Reading... 3 Comments.Ok it’s not actually an ode as in a song… Having spent the equivalent of a week living on Amtrak trains over the last two months, and having really rather enjoyed most of that week, I felt I should put a quick post together highlighting the best bits about travelling America by train and some […]
Continue Reading... 3 Comments.I have failed to put up a post Mexico’s national railway museum despite visiting it months ago. Well, now seems as good a time as any to right this great wrong so without further ado…. Link to this post!
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Better late than never… Mexico’s Railroad MuseumThis is something like the 12th Railway museum I have visited on this trip and this time I actually went quite a bit out of my way to get there, making my journey from San Francisco to Fresno via Sacramento, purely in order to visit California’s State Railroad Museum, which I hadn’t even known existed until […]
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.Ever wonder what a train museum might look like if you had an insane amount of money to spend on it? It’d probably be something along the lines of the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park, in Nagoya, Japan. Make no mistake this is a far cry from the rusting hulks outside dilapidated engine sheds that I […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on SCMAGLEV and Railway Park – Nagoya, JapanOk, this post is obviously a bit late, but better late than never. In October last year during my time in Shanghai, I felt I could hardly miss out on riding the fastest form of land based public transport available. The Shanghai Maglev hits speeds of 431km an hour – which is fast. Very fast […]
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.So over 4 months after I visited my last rail museum in Hong Kong, way back at the start of October, I have finally found another one to visit in Seoul! Its about 30km south of Seoul centre, but a few stops on the subway north of the old capital and fortress site at Suwon, so […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Korea Railroad MuseumWith increased investment in roads, transport times between cities and towns in Burma/Myanmar are steadily falling, and on the main routes, the standard of buses can be amongst the best in South East Asia, and indeed companies like JJ Express (which stands apparently for Joyous Journey Express – which, good as it is, is probably […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on The strain of taking the train in Burma/Myanmar…So, another train post, but this one will hopefully be of interest to more people than normal! The Market at Maeklong is famous on YouTube (well it is relative to the other markets on YouTube…) as the market through which a train runs several times a day, causing all the stall holders to quickly pull […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.After posting lots of pictures of China’s beautiful scenery and architecture I felt I was neglecting something. Then I remembered it must be almost 3 weeks since I last put up pictures of a railway museum. Well I thought to myself – this must be corrected immediately, and so below you can find a link […]
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