I seem to find myself coming across steam trains in various states of disrepair throughout my trip. Sometimes in museums, sometimes just outside train stations. Given I’ve now amassed quite a few photos of these I thought I would put up a new part of my blog to show them off, away from the eyes […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Railway Museum pages now upHaving dragged myself away from Istanbul, I’ve enjoyed relaxing and taking in some of Turkey’s other famous attractions. The Roman ruins at Ephesus and the tourist and ballooning hotspot of Cappadocia. Both were good, but neither stood out. Ephesus, with its crowds does compare rather unfavourable to some of the lonely ancient cities I’ve seen in […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Abandoned Ani – On the road to nowhere…This travel blogging lark is actually quite hard. I’m conscious it is all too easy for any post to turn into a list of “and then I did this, and then I ate that…. etc etc.” so I end up putting off writing posts in the hope something dramatically interesting will happen. It also takes […]
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