After posting lots of pictures of China’s beautiful scenery and architecture I felt I was neglecting something. Then I remembered it must be almost 3 weeks since I last put up pictures of a railway museum. Well I thought to myself – this must be corrected immediately, and so below you can find a link […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Beijing Railway MuseumHong Kong’s Railway Museum is small, and lets get one thing straight. It is not romantic. But this, and the fact Hong Kong must have a million other better backdrops (beaches, the city skyline, beautiful natural scenery) does not seem to stopped it becoming a popular spot for wedding photos… I’ve commented before on the strange […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.I seem to find myself coming across steam trains in various states of disrepair throughout my trip. Sometimes in museums, sometimes just outside train stations. Given I’ve now amassed quite a few photos of these I thought I would put up a new part of my blog to show them off, away from the eyes […]
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