Traitor! Splitter! Turncoat! Coward! No I haven’t joined the Judean People’s Front, but what with a new year being a new slate, perhaps it is time to start 2016 with a confession… Link to this post!
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.Ok, this post is obviously a bit late, but better late than never. In October last year during my time in Shanghai, I felt I could hardly miss out on riding the fastest form of land based public transport available. The Shanghai Maglev hits speeds of 431km an hour – which is fast. Very fast […]
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.Ok, so Seoul might still technically be on the Eurasian mainland, but having finally left China behind, 5 and a half months after I first arrived into Kashgar in early September, it definitely feels like another chapter in my journey has ended, which brings both feelings of melancholy and excitement for what is now to […]
Continue Reading... 2 Comments.After posting lots of pictures of China’s beautiful scenery and architecture I felt I was neglecting something. Then I remembered it must be almost 3 weeks since I last put up pictures of a railway museum. Well I thought to myself – this must be corrected immediately, and so below you can find a link […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Beijing Railway MuseumFollowing Part 1, here are some remaining photo highlights of my journey through China. The second half of my trip things got easier to navigate but also arguably a little less interesting and adventurous. Metro systems abounded, high-speed rail linked the cities and the level of English rose. There are no photos after Shanghai as […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.So I am finally ready to leave China after two months after which I still feel like I have barely scratched the surface. There is clearly much more to see and do, but I feel its time to move on. Updating this blog from behind the Great Firewall has been difficult, so posting has been […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.The Great Wall spans thousands of kilometers and has a history that spans over a 1,000 years. I’ve been lucky enough to visit several bits of it, including the Eastern and Western ends of what most people think of when they think of the “Great Wall” which is the one built by the Ming Dynasty […]
Continue Reading... 4 Comments.Visiting the Great Wall is, well, great. But it can be busy and expensive. And tours to the less busy places like Jinshanlin can be even more expensive. At my hostel a tour to Jinshanjing would set you back 345 Chinese RMB which is about £25-35, or $40-50. Which seems a bit much. Luckily there […]
Continue Reading... 63 Comments.Hong Kong’s Railway Museum is small, and lets get one thing straight. It is not romantic. But this, and the fact Hong Kong must have a million other better backdrops (beaches, the city skyline, beautiful natural scenery) does not seem to stopped it becoming a popular spot for wedding photos… I’ve commented before on the strange […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.First impressions of Hotan (or Khotan, or Hetain…it seems to have a million transliterations…) were the kind that make you question why on earth you had come there. It is a Uighur town in western China that has been subject to increased migration of Han Chinese in recent years as road, rail and economic links to […]
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